A little about us...

Ben Farley

Cofounder & MD

Earworm was born from a shared obsession with audio production and digital marketing. With over 20 years of combined experience, we’re a tight-knit team of content creators, producers, engineers, animators, designers, and digital marketers, all working together to create standout business & brand podcasts.

Our co-founders bring a wealth of experience, including leadership roles in independent music agencies, over a decade as freelance CMOs, and nearly seven years of podcast hosting. This blend of audio production and marketing expertise is at the heart of what we do.

We’re not just about taking on any project; we’re about making a real impact. We love B2B and bring diverse experience from various industries, understanding what drives businesses and how to achieve their goals.

We value deadlines, clear communication, and a transparent workflow. Passion is at our core, and while we’re a team of agency professionals, we’re also a lot of fun to work with (at least, that’s what our clients tell us!).

So, if you’re looking for an experienced podcast partner with a knack for creating attention-grabbing B2B content, get in touch. We love meeting our clients out and about where we can, but virtual coffees work great too. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Some of our work...

As a full-service podcast agency, we support our clients across a range of podcast-related services, from creative direction to metrics and content strategy.

Explore our latest creative, growth, and podcast strategy work on our case studies page.

Let's Grow Young

Join Sanj Pathak as he explores the secrets to youthfulness through bio-hacking, wellness, and the art of ageing backwards.

The Protientech® Podcast

Stay informed with the Proteintech Podcast, where we bring you insights on groundbreaking innovations in scientific research.