Top 5 KPIs You Should Monitor For Your B2B Podcast

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Want to know if your B2B podcast is on the right track? Keep an eye on these top 5 KPIs to gauge listener engagement and overall performance.

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Podcasts are blowing up in the B2B world, and the right KPIs can take yours to the next level. At Earworm, our team lives and breathes podcast marketing services. We’ve seen how tracking the right numbers can turn a good podcast into a great one, and we’re here to share our top tips with you.

We’ve worked with some of the best B2B podcasts out there, helping them grow and engage their audiences. We know what works and what doesn’t, and we’re excited to help you make your podcast shine. Think of us as your podcasting pals, here to help you navigate the world of KPIs.

In this article, we’ll break down the top five KPIs you need to monitor for your B2B podcast. We’ll show you why they matter and how to track them. Whether you’re new to podcasting or a seasoned pro, these insights will keep your podcast growing and thriving.

Understanding the importance of KPIs for B2B podcasts

KPIs are like the GPS for your B2B podcast. Without them, you’re driving without directions. These key metrics are essential for knowing what’s working and what needs improvement.

At Earworm, we’ve seen how tracking the right KPIs can transform a podcast. These numbers are the heartbeat of your show. They tell you if listeners are tuning in, staying engaged, and coming back for more.

Why bother with KPIs? They help you grow and refine your podcast. You can tweak your content, improve your marketing, and build a dedicated audience. Plus, hitting those KPIs feels fantastic.

Ready to discover the top five KPIs that will take your B2B podcast to the next level? Let’s get into it and make your podcast the best it can be!

1. Tracking your listener growth

Perhaps the best way to gauge your podcast’s popularity is by tracking listener growth. It’s crucial to know how many people are tuning into your podcast and enjoying your content.

First, track your total downloads. This is the number of times people listen to your episodes. Platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify provide these stats. If you see the numbers going up, it means your show is getting popular!

Next, look at unique listeners. This tells you how many different people are tuning in. A high number of unique listeners means your podcast is attracting new folks all the time. We recommend using tools like Podtrac or Chartable to get this information.

Social media growth is also key. Are your followers on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook increasing? More followers often translate to more listeners. Post engaging content, episode snippets, and interact with your audience to keep the buzz going.

Finally, check your subscriber growth. Subscribers are your regulars—the ones who hit the follow button and come back for every episode. Remind listeners to subscribe at the end of each episode.

2. Measuring engagement and interaction

Next up, let’s talk about measuring engagement and interaction for your B2B podcast. Understanding how your audience engages with your content can help you make your episodes more impactful and your show more popular.

Check your episode completion rates. This tells you how many listeners are sticking around until the end. Platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify provide these stats. High completion rates mean your content is keeping listeners hooked from start to finish.

Look at the number of comments and reviews. Listener feedback is invaluable. More comments and reviews indicate active engagement. Encourage your audience to leave reviews and share their thoughts after each episode. This is one of the key KPIs for B2B podcasts that can highlight areas for improvement.

Track social media interactions. Are people liking, sharing, and commenting on your posts? High interaction rates on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook show that your content is resonating with your audience. Make sure you engage back by responding to comments and joining conversations.

Monitor your email open and click rates if you send out newsletters. These metrics indicate how interested your subscribers are in your content. High open and click rates mean your emails are hitting the mark.

3. Analysing episode downloads

Understanding your episode downloads is important for assessing your podcast’s reach and impact. Let’s get into the details.

Total downloads per episode are a primary metric. These numbers show how many times people are accessing your content. For example, if Episode 5 has 500 downloads and Episode 6 has 800, you’re seeing growth. Platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify provide these stats.

Check the download frequency. Are episodes getting downloaded quickly after release? Rapid downloads indicate your audience is eagerly awaiting new content. If downloads trickle in slowly, you might need to boost your promotion efforts.

Geographic data is another key metric. Knowing where your listeners are located can help you tailor your content. For example, if a significant chunk of your audience is from Europe, we recommend featuring topics or guests relevant to that region.

Look at device and platform statistics. Are your listeners tuning in on mobile devices, desktops, or smart speakers? If most of your audience is on mobile, make sure your episodes are mobile-friendly and promote them through mobile channels.

Partnering with podcast advertising agencies like Earworm can significantly boost your reach. We specialise in helping B2B podcasts grow by optimising visibility and targeting the right audience. With our expertise, your podcast will get the attention it deserves, and you’ll see those download numbers rise!

4. Monitoring listener retention rates

Retention rates show how many people listen to your episodes from start to finish, which is a big deal when figuring out how to grow a B2B podcast.

Retention stats help you spot trends in your content. If listeners drop off midway through an episode, it’s a sign that part of your content needs a shake-up. Use tools like Spotify for Podcasters or Apple Podcasts Analytics to get these insights. For example, if your data shows a drop in listeners around the 10-minute mark, you might need to rethink the segment starting at that point.

Check out how specific episodes perform over time. An episode with a high retention rate indicates that the topic or guest was particularly engaging. Use this information to plan future content that resonates with your audience. If your retention rate increases when discussing industry trends, consider focusing more on those subjects.

Tracking listener behaviour over multiple episodes can reveal loyalty. Consistently high retention rates suggest you’re building a dedicated audience. Celebrate these wins and look for ways to keep your content fresh and exciting.

5. Evaluating lead generation and conversions

We’ve saved one of the most important podcast KPIs for last: lead generation and conversions. 

Lead generation refers to attracting potential clients or customers. For your podcast, this might mean listeners signing up for your newsletter, downloading a resource, or filling out a contact form. These actions show interest in your business. 

Use tools like Google Analytics to track these leads. For example, if you mention a free eBook in an episode and see a spike in downloads, that’s a successful lead generation tactic.

Conversions take it a step further, turning those leads into actual clients or customers. This could be someone who listens to your podcast, downloads a free resource, and then contacts your sales team. Tracking these conversions is vital. CRM systems like HubSpot or Salesforce can help you see which leads are converting.

An example of tracking conversions could be a listener who signs up for a free trial of your service after hearing about it on your podcast. If you see a pattern of increased sign-ups following specific episodes, you know what content drives results.

By focusing on lead generation and conversions, you’ll understand how your podcast impacts your business growth. Keep refining your approach based on these insights to continuously grow your B2B podcast audience and business.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about B2B podcast KPIs

Need answers about KPIs for B2B podcasts? Our FAQs have got you covered.

Idea Generation Podcast

Are podcasts effective for B2B marketing?

Podcasts are a powerful tool for B2B marketing. They help build thought leadership, engage with your audience, and generate quality leads. By sharing valuable insights and industry knowledge, you position your brand as an expert.

How do I promote my B2B podcast?

We recommend promoting your B2B podcast by leveraging social media, email newsletters, and your website. Share episode highlights, quotes, and snippets to attract listeners. Collaborate with industry influencers and ask your guests to promote the episodes. Use SEO-optimised show notes to improve discoverability.

What makes B2B content successful?

Successful B2B content is informative, engaging, and relevant. Focus on addressing pain points and providing solutions. Use real-world examples and data to back up your points. Keep the content concise and actionable to maintain audience interest.

How long should a B2B podcast be?

A B2B podcast should ideally be between 20 to 40 minutes. This length is perfect for delivering valuable content while keeping listeners engaged. Adjust the length based on your audience’s preferences and the depth of the topic.