11 Best Podcast Practices for B2B Marketers

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Say goodbye to boring podcasts! Try these 11 best practices for B2B marketers and keep your audience hooked.

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Creating a B2B podcast can be one of the most exciting parts of your marketing strategy. At Earworm, we’ve had the pleasure of helping countless clients launch engaging and successful podcasts. With years of experience, our team knows exactly what it takes to captivate an audience and keep them coming back for more.

We’ve seen firsthand how the right approach can transform a podcast from good to outstanding. Our mission is to share these insights with you. Think of us as your go-to podcasting experts, always ready to offer advice and cheer you on.

In this article, we’ll share 11 best practices for B2B podcasting. From defining your audience to repurposing content, these tips are all about helping you create a podcast that stands out.

What is B2B podcasting and why is it important?

B2B podcasting, short for business-to-business podcasting, is all about creating audio content that speaks directly to other businesses. Think of it as a conversation between professionals, sharing insights, tips, and industry knowledge.

Instead of targeting individual consumers, a B2B podcast aims to attract other businesses, offering valuable information that can help them grow and succeed.

Why is it important? Picture this: you’re sitting in traffic or sipping your morning coffee, and you pop on a podcast. Instead of just killing time, you’re soaking up industry secrets, learning about trends, and getting advice from the experts. That’s the power of a good B2B podcast. It turns downtime into learning time.

For marketers, B2B podcasts are a goldmine. They help build authority and trust within your industry, making your brand the go-to source for information. Plus, they’re a fantastic way to showcase your company’s personality and connect on a deeper level with your audience. Podcasts are also super convenient. Your listeners can tune in anytime, anywhere.

At Earworm, we’ve seen how B2B podcasts can create meaningful connections and drive real business results. If you need assistance with your B2B podcast, get in touch today for a free strategy call.

1. Define your target audience

Before you hit the record button, you need to know who you’re talking to. Imagine throwing a party and inviting everyone you know—you’d end up with a mix of people who might not get along or have anything in common. The same goes for your podcast.

For B2B marketers, defining your target audience means figuring out which businesses you want to reach. Are you aiming at tech startups, seasoned executives, or small business owners? Each group has different interests, challenges, and needs. Knowing who you’re talking to helps you tailor your content, making it relevant and engaging.

Start by creating a listener persona. Give them a name, job title, industry, and list their pain points. This persona is your podcast’s best friend. Every time you plan an episode, think about what they’d find interesting or helpful. 

A well-defined audience makes your podcast more focused and valuable. It’s like having a direct line to the people who matter most to your business. And who knows? You might even become their go-to source for insights and advice.

2. Create a content calendar

Think of a content calendar as your podcast’s roadmap. Without it, you’re driving blind, and let’s be honest, nobody likes a detour. A content calendar helps you plan ahead, stay organised, and keep your podcast on track.

Start by mapping out your episodes. Grab a calendar (digital or old-school paper, your choice) and plot your publishing dates. Decide how often you’ll release new episodes—weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Consistency is key, but don’t bite off more than you can chew. It’s better to start slow and ramp up later.

Next, brainstorm topics. Think about what your target audience wants to hear. What are their pain points? What industry trends are buzzing? Make a list of potential episode ideas and match them to your calendar. This way, you won’t be scrambling for topics at the last minute.

We also recommend including important dates in your industry, like conferences or product launches. These events can provide fresh content and keep your podcast relevant. Plus, you can plan special episodes around holidays or company milestones to keep things interesting.

A content calendar also helps you schedule recording sessions, guest interviews, and editing time. By having everything laid out, you can focus on creating great content without the last-minute rush.

In short, a content calendar is your best friend for staying organised and keeping your podcast running smoothly. Trust us, it’s crucial for B2B podcasts.

3. Invest in quality equipment

Have you ever listened to a podcast where the host sounds like they’re recording from inside a tin can? It’s not a great experience. That’s why investing in quality equipment is crucial. It doesn’t mean you need to spend a fortune, but having the right gear can make a world of difference.

First things first, get a good microphone. A USB microphone is a great start for beginners. It’s easy to use and offers solid sound quality. If you’re ready to up your game, consider an XLR microphone with an audio interface. This setup provides even better audio fidelity.

Next, think about your recording environment. Find a quiet space and reduce background noise. You don’t need a professional studio, just a room with minimal echo. Adding some soft furnishings like carpets or curtains can help dampen sound.

Headphones are another must-have. They allow you to monitor your audio and catch any issues during recording. We recommend closed-back headphones as they prevent sound from leaking into your mic.

Don’t forget about software. There are plenty of free and affordable options for recording and editing. Audacity and GarageBand are popular choices for beginners.

Feeling overwhelmed? No worries! Earworm provides equipment consultancy tailored to your needs and budget. If you’re just starting out or looking to upgrade, we’re here to help.

4. Focus on storytelling

The best podcasts pull you in right from the start. That’s the magic of storytelling. Even in B2B podcasts, storytelling can turn dry topics into engaging and memorable content.

Every episode should have a beginning, middle, and end. Kick off with a strong hook to grab attention. Maybe it’s an intriguing question, a surprising fact, or a short anecdote. The middle is where you dive into the meat of your topic, and the end should tie everything together with a key takeaway.

Humanise your content. Share real-life examples, case studies, or personal experiences. This makes your podcast relatable and helps your audience connect with the material. People love hearing about challenges and how they were overcome—it adds depth and authenticity to your podcast.

Inject some personality. Don’t be afraid to let your sense of humor shine through. A bit of lightheartedness can make even the most technical topics enjoyable. Remember, your listeners are human, and they appreciate a conversational tone.

Use interviews to your advantage. Bringing in guests can add new perspectives and keep your content fresh. Plus, it’s always interesting to hear different voices and insights.

Focusing on storytelling can transform your podcast from good to great. It makes your content engaging and keeps your audience coming back for more.

5. Keep episodes consistent and concise

Consistency is key to building a loyal podcast audience. Regularly releasing B2B podcast episodes keeps your audience engaged and eager for the next one.

Decide on a schedule that you can stick to—weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly—and make it a habit. Consistency builds trust and anticipation. Your listeners will appreciate knowing when to expect fresh content.

Keep your episodes concise. In the fast-paced world of B2B, time is precious. Aim for a length that delivers value without dragging on. Around 20 to 30 minutes is a sweet spot, but this can vary depending on your content. The goal is to keep listeners engaged from start to finish.

Focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to have a shorter, impactful episode than a long one filled with fluff. Plan your content thoroughly and get straight to the point. Your audience will thank you for respecting their time.

Use clear, engaging language and stay on topic. Avoid going off on tangents. If you have a lot to say, break it into multiple episodes. This way, you maintain interest and have a steady stream of content.

6. Promote your podcast on social media

Social media is your best friend when it comes to promoting your B2B podcast. It’s where your audience hangs out, and it’s the perfect platform to grab their attention.

Start by creating engaging posts that highlight key points from your episodes. Use short clips or quotes to tease your content and spark interest. Visuals are powerful, so consider creating eye-catching graphics or videos to accompany your posts. Tools like Canva can help you design these easily.

Interact with your audience. Ask questions, encourage comments, and respond to feedback. Building a community around your podcast makes your listeners feel valued and more likely to share your content. 

Collaborate with industry influencers. Tagging guests and influencers in your posts can expand your reach and attract new listeners. They’re likely to share your podcast with their followers, giving you extra exposure.

Utilise hashtags relevant to your industry to increase visibility. They can help new listeners discover your podcast. Don’t forget to promote your episodes across all your social media channels, such as LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram. Each platform has its own strengths.

Consistency is crucial. Regularly posting about your podcast keeps it top of mind for your audience. Social media promotion is an ongoing effort that pays off over time.

7. Collaborate with industry experts

Bringing industry experts onto your podcast can take your content to the next level. These guests add credibility, offer fresh perspectives, and help grow your B2B podcast. But how do you find and connect with these experts?

We recommend beginning by identifying leaders in your industry. Look for authors, speakers, and executives who are making waves. LinkedIn is a goldmine for this. Use it to search for people who frequently post about topics relevant to your podcast. 

Once you’ve identified potential guests, reach out with a personalised message. Mention why you admire their work and how their insights would benefit your audience. Be genuine and keep it brief. Highlight what’s in it for them, like exposure to your audience or a chance to share their latest project.

Networking events, webinars, and industry conferences are excellent opportunities to meet experts. Don’t be shy about introducing yourself and discussing your podcast. People appreciate enthusiasm and clear communication.

You can also leverage your existing network. Ask your current connections for introductions or recommendations. Sometimes the best guests come through word of mouth.

When you land an expert, prepare thoroughly. Research their background and come up with thoughtful questions. Make the recording process smooth and enjoyable, and they’ll be more likely to recommend you to others.

8. Engage with your audience

Engaging with your audience is key to building a loyal listener base. Trust us, interaction makes it memorable. Here’s how you can keep the conversation going with your B2B podcast listeners.

Encourage feedback at the end of each episode. Ask your listeners to share their thoughts, questions, or topics they’d like covered. You can do this through your social media channels, email newsletters, or directly on your podcast platform. People love to be heard, and their input can spark new episode ideas.

Host live Q&A sessions. Platforms like Instagram Live, LinkedIn Live, or even webinars are perfect for real-time interaction. Answer questions, discuss recent episodes, or dive into industry news. It’s a fun way to connect and show that you value their engagement.

Create a community space. A LinkedIn or Facebook group dedicated to your podcast can be a fantastic place for listeners to discuss episodes, share insights, and network with each other. Being active in these groups by participating in discussions and posting exclusive content can keep the momentum going.

Give shout-outs in your episodes. Mention listeners by name, respond to their questions, or highlight their comments. This personal touch makes people feel appreciated and more connected to your podcast.

Run contests or giveaways. Encourage listeners to participate by sharing your podcast, leaving reviews, or suggesting topics. Rewards can be anything from branded merchandise to free consultations. It’s a win-win. Your audience gets involved, and your podcast gets more visibility.

Engaging with your audience is about creating a two-way street. It makes your listeners feel valued and part of a community. This is one of the best ways to promote a B2B podcast effectively. 

9. Measure your podcast’s performance

Understanding how your podcast is performing is crucial to making improvements and growing your audience. Let’s dig into some key metrics that will help you chart your course.

  • Download metrics: Check how many times each episode is downloaded. This gives you a clear idea of your reach. Tools like Libsyn and Podbean provide detailed analytics.
  • Listener retention: See how long listeners stay tuned. Platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts offer insights into listener drop-off points. Aim to keep your listeners engaged throughout the entire episode.
  • Audience demographics: Know your audience. Most hosting platforms offer demographic data like age, gender, and location. This helps you tailor your content to your primary listeners.
  • Engagement rates: Monitor likes, shares, comments, and reviews on social media and podcast platforms. High engagement often means your content resonates well with your audience.
  • Surveys and feedback: Direct feedback from your audience can be gold. Use short surveys or ask for feedback through your social media channels. Questions like “What topics do you want us to cover next?” can provide valuable insights.
  • Conversion rates: Track how well your podcast drives business results. This could be new leads, website visits, or sales. Use specific call-to-actions and trackable links to measure effectiveness.
  • Guest impact: If you have guests on your show, see how their episodes perform. It can help you identify popular topics or notable personalities your audience loves.

Measuring your podcast’s performance is all about understanding your audience and tweaking your content. At Earworm, we love diving into these details with you. We’ll help turn those numbers into actionable insights. Get in touch today!

10. Optimise for SEO

Boosting your podcast’s visibility is crucial, and SEO is your secret weapon. Think of SEO as giving your podcast a spotlight in the vast digital world.

Catchy, keyword-rich episode titles are a must. If your episode covers B2B marketing strategies, make sure those exact words are in the title. This helps your podcast show up in search results when potential listeners are looking for related content.

Transcriptions can be a game changer. Search engines can’t listen to audio, but they can read text. Providing full transcriptions of your episodes on your website will not only improve your SEO but also make your content more accessible.

Show notes are like your podcast’s elevator pitch. Craft detailed notes with summaries and key points, sprinkling in relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand what your episode is about and improves your chances of being found.

Optimising your podcast website is another essential task. Each episode deserves its own page with a unique URL, descriptive title, and engaging description. Embed your podcast player, add the transcription, and link to resources mentioned in the episode to enhance user experience.

Earworm, as a leading podcast marketing agency, can help you master the SEO game. We assist with crafting those perfect titles, detailed show notes, and optimising your entire podcast presence online. With our expertise, your podcast can climb search engine rankings and reach a broader audience.

SEO optimisation might seem like a lot, but it’s all about making your podcast easier to find.

11. Repurpose podcast content

Repurposing your podcast content maximises the value of what you’ve already created. You’ve put in the effort—now let’s make it work even harder for you.

We recommend turning your episodes into blog posts. A detailed blog post based on your podcast can attract readers who prefer text over audio. Add some personality and expand on the topics you discussed. This gives your content a second life and broadens your audience.

Create bite-sized social media posts from your episodes. Pull out key quotes, interesting facts, or powerful moments, and share them as individual posts on LinkedIn, X, or Instagram. Add a catchy visual or audiogram to make it pop.

Consider turning your episodes into a video series. Even a simple video with subtitles and some engaging visuals can capture attention on platforms like YouTube or LinkedIn. This way, you’re tapping into the video-loving crowd.

Don’t forget about email newsletters. Summarise your latest episodes, highlight key takeaways, and include links to listen. This keeps your subscribers engaged and informed.

Repurposing content is efficient and effective. It helps you reach different segments of your audience and keeps your message fresh. Now that you’ve got these best practices down, your B2B podcast is ready to grow!

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about best practices for B2B podcasts

New to B2B podcasting? Our FAQs answer your questions.

Idea Generation Podcast

What makes a good B2B podcast?

A good B2B podcast offers valuable insights, practical tips, and engaging stories relevant to its audience. It features expert guests, tackles industry trends, and addresses common pain points. High-quality audio, consistent publishing, and clear, focused content keep listeners coming back.

How long should a B2B podcast be?

A B2B podcast should typically be between 20 to 30 minutes. This length is perfect for delivering valuable content while respecting your listeners’ time. Keep it concise and focused to maintain engagement throughout the episode.

What is the best way to promote B2B podcasts?

Promote your B2B podcast through social media, email newsletters, and your website. Share episode highlights, quotes, and teasers on LinkedIn, X, and other platforms. Engage with your audience by asking for feedback and encouraging shares. Collaborate with industry influencers to reach a broader audience.