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In this episode, Simon Barbato, CEO and founder of Mr B and Friends, shares his journey from a bedroom startup to a thriving agency. He discusses strategic growth, navigating the COVID-19 pandemic& acquiring Future Kings.

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& Leadership

The Beautiful Business Podcast

The Beautiful Business Podcast explores the intersection of success and sustainability, offering strategies and tools to transform businesses into forces for good. Each episode features expert guests, from tech innovators to entrepreneurs, sharing actionable advice that balances profitability and purpose.

Aimed at both established leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs, the podcast provides practical insights to drive positive change, helping listeners unlock their leadership potential and create thriving, impactful businesses.

Powered by The Wow Company, the podcast is a resource for those dedicated to building a beautiful, sustainable future.

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Thought leadership

The Beautiful Business Podcast positions itself as a thought leader by featuring industry experts who share innovative strategies and actionable advice. By addressing contemporary business challenges and blending profitability with purpose, the podcast attracts and educates a dedicated audience, reinforcing its authority in sustainable business practices.

The Beautiful Business Podcast enhances brand awareness by consistently delivering valuable content that resonates with its audience. Featuring industry experts and thought leaders, the podcast showcases its commitment to sustainability and business excellence. This approach attracts a diverse listener base, amplifies The Wow Company’s reach, and solidifies its reputation in the market.