We're a podcast
marketing agency

We create high-performance podcast marketing strategies

💚 Trusted by over 100 businesses worldwide


We're a 360 marketing agency built specifically for the podcast industry.

Interested to know more about the podcast market? Check out the market report here.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

We use SEO best practices to boost your website's visibility and organic traffic. Our strategies include keyword research, on-page optimisation, and content marketing.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Description: Our tailored social media campaigns increase engagement and grow your audience. We create captivating content and implement social media advertising across various platforms.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

We manage your PPC campaigns for optimal performance and high-quality leads. Our services include keyword research, ad creation, and landing page optimisation.

Content Marketing

We create engaging content to resonate with your audience and establish your brand authority. Our strategies include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and podcasts.

Email Marketing

We develop email marketing campaigns that build relationships and boost conversions. Our services include list building, email design, copywriting, and campaign automation.

Influencer Marketing

We connect your brand with relevant influencers to increase visibility and credibility. Our strategies include influencer identification, outreach, collaboration, and campaign management.

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Our CRO services focus on increasing your website's conversion rates through data analysis, A/B testing, and implementing design and content changes.

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

We protect and enhance your brand's online reputation by monitoring reviews, addressing feedback, and promoting positive content that showcases your brand's strengths.


Earworm Podcast Marketing Agency


In today’s saturated podcast landscape, an exceptional show alone isn’t enough to guarantee success. 

To truly stand out and connect with your target audience, you need a strategic and targeted marketing approach. Earworm’s Podcast Marketing Agency service is designed to propel your podcast into the spotlight, drive listener engagement, and build a loyal fanbase.

Our team of marketing gurus at Earworm will develop and execute a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to your podcast’s unique needs, ensuring your show reaches the right ears and makes a lasting impact. Trust Earworm as your go-to podcast marketing agency, and we’ll help you unlock the full potential of your podcast’s reach and influence with our podcast marketing services.

Looking for an experienced podcast marketing agency? Download a copy of our deck here.

Audience Analysis

As a leading podcast marketing agency, Earworm will delve into your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and listening habits, enabling us to craft a marketing strategy that resonates with the people you want to reach.

Podcast Marketing Agency


Multi-Platform Promotion

Our podcast marketing agency will create and manage engaging promotional campaigns across popular podcast platforms, social media, and search engines, ensuring your podcast gets the visibility it deserves.

Multichannel Marketing


Compelling Content Creation

Our team at Earworm will produce eye-catching visuals, captivating copy, and shareable content that showcases your podcast’s unique personality and entices new listeners to tune in.

Phones and Headphones


Performance Tracking

Trust in our podcast marketing agency to monitor the success of your marketing efforts, analyze key metrics, and fine-tune our approach to maximise your podcast’s growth and reach.

Performance tracking



We believe that every project, regardless of size, deserves our full attention and expertise. We’re dedicated to bringing your vision to life and elevating your podcast to new heights.

Get in touch today for a chat with our friendly team.


Our most frequently asked questions are here. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Get in touch.

A podcast marketing agency is a company that specialises in helping podcasters grow their audience and reach through various marketing strategies. These agencies offer podcast marketing services such as content creation, social media promotion, search engine optimisation (SEO), email marketing, and paid advertising to increase the visibility and success of your podcast.

A podcast promotion company utilises a range of marketing tactics to increase your podcast’s visibility, listener base, and engagement. They can assist in creating eye-catching visuals, optimising your podcast for search engines, running targeted ad campaigns, and leveraging social media platforms to reach a larger audience.

A podcast marketing agency typically offers podcast marketing services such as strategic planning, content creation, social media management, SEO, email marketing, paid advertising, and analytics. They work closely with podcasters to develop tailored strategies that align with their unique goals and target audience.

When selecting a podcast marketing agency, it’s essential to consider factors like experience, expertise, and client testimonials. Look for an agency with a proven track record in podcast marketing, a thorough understanding of the podcast industry, and positive feedback from previous clients.

Podcast marketing agencies use various metrics to gauge the success of their marketing efforts. Key performance indicators (KPIs) might include the number of podcast downloads, listener growth, episode engagement, website traffic, social media followers, and conversion rates. By tracking these metrics, agencies can continuously refine their strategies to achieve better results.

The timeline for seeing results from podcast marketing efforts can vary depending on the strategies used and the existing popularity of your podcast. Some tactics, like paid advertising and social media promotion, can produce quicker results, while others, such as SEO, may take several months to show significant improvements. It’s essential to be patient and consistently implement marketing efforts to achieve long-term growth.

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